While moving pieces over a chess board I find similarities between the movements in life and concepts of chess. These are real experiences I undergo both in life and over chessboard. I also like to dream about a new way of life where movements are more similar. When chess is a completely solved game, we may need to find out another game, a game for the future. This weblog belongs to that search process! A continous search!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Life and pawn move only in forward direction

There are so many similarities between movements in life and moving chess pieces over a board. I am just searching for similarities here, this doesn't mean all we have are similarities.
This is the very basic similarity between life and chess.

A pawn can only move in forward direction over a chessboard, you can't move it in backward direction.

Since we don't know (yet) how to do time traversal, we can't go backwards in real life. Once we do a thing, say a thing we are done with it. We can't take back a word or a doing. One may get confuesd by saying sorry etc. we can take back certain events, but its not exactly the same situation.

This very basic concept is the fundamental similarity between life and chess: nothing can be taken back! We can't move backwads. We mean the pawns. The bigger forces can move in many different directions (probably in a different dimension not visible to us, pawns). But pawns are not like bigger forces, they must not be aware of such dimensions otherwise they could have moved in that direction.

Who are these bigger forces in real life? That's a good question but that's not the subject of discussion here, we will get back to that question when we understand other questions!


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