While moving pieces over a chess board I find similarities between the movements in life and concepts of chess. These are real experiences I undergo both in life and over chessboard. I also like to dream about a new way of life where movements are more similar. When chess is a completely solved game, we may need to find out another game, a game for the future. This weblog belongs to that search process! A continous search!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Positional Sacrifice

This is a draft and outline only, going to write someday!
(send comments if you have any idea in this line and you like to share or even write in my blog on similar ideas)

-history of chess how theory has changed
-hyper-modern theory of giving up position on temporary basis
-old theory of occupying position is obsolete
-let the opponent win over the position in temporary basis
-let the opponent spend its time and energy holding that position
-in the meanwhile I will search for real values, real meaning of the game!!!


Blogger robin hood said...

"send comments if you have any idea in this line and you like to share or even write in my blog on similar ideas".
I like this concept. It's very like that bit of film when Andy Warhol suggests the interviewer answer the questions as well as asks them.

12:10 PM


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